Am I approval seeker?


Matt 17:5 This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

I once read a blog post about the dangers of approval seeking Sound quite childish but it’s a fact of life that people everyday are searching for acceptance, trying to find significance through the approval of others. It’s definitely not something to be proud about.
The thing I’ve learnt about approval seeking first of all it’s a need, that one is searching to fulfil inside one’s self, which can also be a sign of a lack of self awareness which the end result might be depression.

What should govern one’s life is the internal reference called core values . When some one is operating under the influence of approval seeking the high risk to judge themselves by the response of other people towards themselves becomes dangerous . Being overly nice to fit in is the evidence. I remember being so weak willed, insecure and very self conscious . I had suffered depression when I was about six years old till my late twenties. That’s why I now value my journey my development and most of all my core values.

I remember the days, feeling so lost in social Environments even in a place of worship
I use to sit down and question myself, why am I feeling like this? But now the journey I’ve been through over those years has taught me one important thing, I didn’t know my core values neither did I treasure them.

So what advise would you give some one facing this struggle

•Well first of all define “you” get a pen & paper then write some core things about yourself and love them, personalise them, consider them your treasure & try to keep them close to your own heart.

•Any form of Learning builds confidence so start learning new things.

•be honest with people because your honest with yourself.

•Never be afraid to go against
the grain when everyone is going down hill decide to go up hill, this will build character.

In conclusion

Don’t be ashamed if this picture is a reflection of you because I once was one to, until I found my second salvation called core values, remember some people prefer you when your needy rather than to see you holding your own, so take a journey and discover your core values.

“live life with definition”