The writers abode

Also checkout this Reblog: what does the reflection of your home say about you.


This is where I spend my time, writing & editing, after posting and not reading them properly, sound like I’m hasty…lol


When I need some inspiration strait to the garden as the view speaks for itself, just sheep, hills and running water.


This is my new toy, which i gave up on fifteen years ago, my key broad playing piano.


When I stressed, I try to keep fit.. Yea right, no i just keep breathing.


These are my wonderful children
Devon & Reeyah


This is the lady of the house or the Big Boss!…The wife.

My year so far..
This year has worked out to be a good year, considering the difficult issues we had to face. My only setback now is the publication of my book but through Gods grace we’ll get there. As a novice in the game of writing my aspirations are very high, with little experience in the field of writing, as my early experiences of dyslexia the cause of my delay. Now I’m growing beyond all that. What seems to carry me is “passion” & my love for Gods truth.
I need to concentrate on my book, the gift from God to release to the world. I now want to spend less time blogging as the publishers are waiting on me to make the final adjustments. A new found love is coming back into my life and the problem accrued when I became focused on just one thing. Every day I need to remind myself that life is about variety, the magical spices of life!
which includes family, friends, pleasure, laughter last but not least to worship the lover of my soul, Jesus.

Many thanks for visiting this blog Please pray for me to finish this project.

“I will make history”